CyberTec Academy is a ON-DEMAND IT/Cyber certification training organization, it is a division of Titan Rain Cybersecurity, LLC. CyberTec partners with industry leading organizations to deliver the world’s first experiential-based, certification-driven cybersecurity training and workforce development program. CyberTec’s mission is to provide IT/Cyber education and training courses that ensures individuals and teams gain the requisite knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform the tasks require of their roles and responsibilities within any organization— CyberTec certifies competency. Courses combine the requirements of the global certification bodies, hands-on skills labs/scenarios, and skills assessments to ensure client ability to meet employer skill-demand. Training is NOW delivered 100% asynchronously on-demand.
CyberTec employs a 100% on-demand training delivery model allowing students to access training anywhere in the world, at anytime (24×7), and work at their own pace. This model allow maximum flexibility, while providing world-class training content and delivery. All courses context e-book content, video instruction, quizzes, labs, flash cards, and practice tests to evaluate student knowledge, skills, and abilities.
CyberTec provides clients/students with robust hands-on labs that allow for the development of technical skills by exposing a practitioner to a realistic environment to employ industry common tools against a threat-realistic cyber scenario. By applying the knowledge acquired in the course with the hands-on labs, clients/students develop competencies in performance of tasks requisite of the roles outlined in the National Cybersecurity Workforce Framework—this is uniquely offered by CyberTec.
The CyberTec Skills Assessment is a hands-on virtual computer-skills assessment designed to accurately evaluate current or emerging cybersecurity professionals or an organization’s cyber security workforce. A valuable tool for companies, recruiters and professionals alike, the skills assessment is mapped to the NIST-NICE framework and uses practical, hands-on scenarios to evaluate one’s mastery of knowledge, skills and abilities. Unlike existing competitor’s skills assessment, CyberTec Assessments can holistically and quantifiably measure a user’s skills against a defined set of tasks. It provides immediate feedback, follows industry standards, and saves time and money by identifying skill levels for both current and prospective employees.